MLOV organizes grassroots outreach and education events including listening circles, open mics, breakfasts and dinners, “Community Center” style open house events which allow community members to interface with direct services, and referrals to resources. From these events, we create entry points to member development and leadership training in order to build the power of immigrant community organizers and an understanding of the principles of civic engagement.

MLOV provides a space for immigrant workers to lead campaigns for the successful implementation of labor protections, such as wage theft protection, paid sick days, and fair standards for termination. We have launched an initiative to focus on the lived experiences and related solutions by immigrant residents to uphold true Sanctuary in the District. Through these programs, immigrant residents build the skills and tools needed to effectively articulate challenges, be constructively critical, devise strategic and sustainable solutions, mobilize their peers, develop a membership base, and hold those in power accountable for implementing equitable systems.

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